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My Disney Experience | FastPass+

You have your resort reservations, you've selected your advance dining reservations and your getting very close to your 60 day mark and now it's time to really start planning your fastpass+ choices for your trip. It seems like a daunting task but here's some tips we use to get the rides we want and plan for the ones we couldn't. One thing to keep in mind, fastpasses are worth it and worth the planning.

Here's a few tips to get you one your way:

  1. Sit down and pick your families, or groups, top ride choices. This is a lot of fun to talk with the kids about and it gives you a solid starting point in your plans.

  2. Go onto the My Disney Experience app and see what the wait times look like for each of your top picks.

  3. Choose the top pick for each day based off of the longest ride queue and your planned locations.

  4. Cross reference your plans with dining reservation.

  5. Any top pics you have that average a wait time of under an hour..... Maybe put that a little farther down the list.

  6. A lot of rides wait times drop during night time shows and meal times. pay attention to this and maybe plan certain rides to be a sneak on during the dinner rush. Not a FastPass+

  7. Choose your top Fast pass and create a list in order of importance and or extensive wait times.

  8. Hop on as early as possible on your 60 day mark and go down your list in order to give you a better chance of fast passing your top choices.

  9. If you don't get your first choice keep working down your list. These fastpasses can fill up in the blink of an eye.

As always thanks for reading and make sure to head over to Tink's Magical Vacations for any questions or info on FastPass+. These guys know it all and their a Disney Certified agent so their services are completely free!!!! Click the link below to get in contact with an agent today!

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